Monday, January 3, 2011

Sacrifice Get's You There

Last night I did something that I had not ever really been able to do.  I wrote out an exact schedule for what my Monday was going to be like.  Now I know that may seem crazy, I mean how can you get it exact.  Well I am here right now on task.  It is 1:00 in the afternoon and I have it down on my schedule to write my blog.  Following this I have a review to do, and prior to this I was putting my two-year-old down for a nap.  I am so happy right now because this is the first time that I have actually followed a schedule to a tee like this.  Normally I get side tracked.  How many of you have been in the middle of something and completely stop it to do something else? 

I am notorious for this.  One of my key goals is to stay focused during the moment.  Whatever I am doing is what I am doing.  I notice that even though it is just day one, I feel as though I have achieved so much in just half a day that the momentum felt day in and day out with this will be huge.  How many of you focus on things that are not in our control? 

I have a habit of trying to schedule the wrong things, like when someone is going to contact me, or when a specific opportunity is going to happen.  I cannot control these.  Rather I can control whether or not I am going to wake up that hour earlier and get my workout done to start the day off.  I can control my actions towards getting the things I desire.  If I want to lose 10 pounds then I can control my calorie intake and the amount of calories I expend during the course of a day to get me to my desired weight. 

If I want to learn how to do a new task, I can prioritize my day to make sure that the new task I want to learn gets done day in and day out.  My good friend Gonzalo Garza (founder of Team Success, which is helping hundreds of kids in south Texas learn proper skills and drills for basketball and also how to live a successful life on and off the court) explains, “the S in success stands for sacrifice”. 

If we want something bad enough we should be willing to sacrifice something that is not as high on the priority list.  I am a movie person.  I can watch marathon’s of movies everyday and love every second of it.  I have had to cut my movie watching down over 75% these last few months due to my goals and what I wanted to achieve in the time frame I wanted to achieve it.  It was not necessarily the happiest decision for me.  I mean it was a bummer to not watch the movies I really wanted to, however it would have been even more of a hard blow if I looked up and saw what I really wanted was not happening due to me participating in something lower in my priority list. 

What can you sacrifice?  Eliminate something, or just lower the time of participation and really go after what it is you want. 

Own yourself! Run your life!

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