Monday, January 17, 2011

The Time Is Now!

I am currently 17 days into a new year just like everyone else.  I am looking up at the calendar and realizing that the first month is already closing out.  Where is the time going? 

I know that we all have lives to live and we all have said, “Once things die down I am going to focus on that specific goal that I really want to tackle.”  But you just don’t feel you have the time to do it right this second.  How many of you feel that way about your health?  About working out?  How about eating healthier?  I talk to so many people about getting healthy and staying fit and so many people give me the reason of not having enough time. 

Your health is key, or you wont have any time left.  With our society as unhealthy as it is, the time is now.  It does not have to be all or nothing.  How about making some simple choices to help you get on the track that everyone ultimately wants, which is to be healthy and live a fit lifestyle?  I have yet to meet anyone that desires to die at an early age due to some form of disease caused by the lack of health.  Never have I heard “ Yes I can’t wait until I get diabetes!” 

Instead of making excuses that there is not enough time in your busy schedule, please think about how many lives you touch personally and imagine how your lack of being here on earth would affect them.  I am sorry to sound so rash, but the truth is it is time to start focusing a little on what it is you need.  My life has not always been healthy eating and at one point I definitely fell off the workout wagon.  I look back at that time and when comparing it to now I have to say I was not living.  I was just moving on along waiting for the time to pass and the weekend to come. 

You can start slow.  Get out and go for a walk during a business call.  Get fat free milk instead of Vitamin D.  Park further away from your locations.  Get whole wheat tortillas instead of flour.  Take the kids to the skating rink instead of a movie.  So many little things that can generate some activity during the day and help prevent serious pain in the future. 

Whatever it is, decide on just doing two things for a month.  If you haven’t been moving for years and you choose to park far away from places you go, then stick with it.  Watch how fast that momentum begins to go and how quickly you add something to your workout to do list.  The hardest part is the first step.  Take that step now!  The time is now!

Own yourself! Run you life!

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