Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Being a Beachbody Coach

What we do for a career is what many of us link to who we are.  We take pride in our jobs and do them to the best of our ability or at least that is how it should be.  I get asked many times what is it that you do?  Well that is not an easy answer.

I help people get fit.  You may be asking, “How is that not an easy answer?  It seems you answered it easy enough for me.”  The truth is that within that statement comes many different entities that I touch on.  I am by no means claiming to be a guru or someone that has obtained numerous amounts of money.  What I have manage to do however in a very short amount of time is create a sense of bliss within my head and my body, and this bliss is such a heavenly feeling. 

I took what I managed to do and broke it down into a philosophy.  I practice this daily and have really seen a huge difference in my life.  I try to help get into other peoples lives and teach them what I did in order to get my life on the track that I like seeing my life on.  I love connection. The feeling of lending a helping hand and I love people.  Learning about them and seeing what it is that really inspires them.  Seeing where their passion lies and then helping them map out a plan to seek that action. 

Wait a minute, that doesn’t sound like fitness!  Well it is.  Just like the body, the mind also has to be strengthened and how better to strengthen the mind while strengthening the body.  I take my roots to waking up out of the funk I was in all the way back to P90X.  If Beachbody did it for hundreds of thousands of people and myself it will do it for anyone as long as there is someone there to help them see the big picture. 

That is where I come in, I help others during their journey.  There are 50,000 beachbody coaches out there, but that is not enough.  Not to “end the trend”.  We have a killer lurking our streets 24/7 and not enough help to stopping it.  Obesity is more than just being uncomfortable and out of shape it is a sickness, a slow death that should not be wished on anyone. 

I am apart of an amazing team of people in every walk of life.  From people having their own business to stay at home mothers, doctors, lawyers, professors, and college kids.  All of which have the same purpose to “end the trend.” 

If ever there was a time when you could give back and help others around you, the time is now.  Start with yourself and see how many people get inspired based off of what steps you are taking towards a better way of living.  Never in a million years could you have told me 2 years ago that I would be here helping others achieve a life that they want to have.  It all started with a decision, some commitment, and following that is, as beachbody would say SUCCESS.

Own yourself! Run your life!

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