Thursday, January 27, 2011

It is Never Too Late

I feel blessed to have found what I believe to be my purpose in life, and I found it at the age of 26.  I know that for the longest time I struggled understanding what my dad use to tell me.  “Remember your Purpose”, he would tell me all the time, sometimes multiple times during the same conversation with me.  When I was a kid I use to look at him and think, “Is this conversation ever going to end?”  I know now that his phrase means the world to me now. 

What is your purpose?  Why do you do the things that you do on a daily basis?  What is it that completely makes you feel like you are on top of the world?  And vise versa, what is it that you absolutely cannot stand doing?  We all talk about what we like and dislike.  I hear it often, and up until recent I use to say these things and not really understand why I did what I did or liked what I liked. 

Your purpose is what gives you meaning.  It is what helps you form what path you are on in life.  So what is it that you are driven to do?  For me my purpose is to serve God and my fellow man by being loving, passionate, caring, funny, exciting example of the endless possibilities when you commit yourself to helping others achieve.  To me that gives me a joy and a sense of significance that is needed to allow me to keep going.  So many times in the past I would find myself questioning what I really wanted to do.

How often do you find yourself wanting to try something out and then choose not to do it only because you don’t have time, or because you are afraid of what people may think?  I use to worry about what people thought all the time, and I still catch myself doing that at times.  What I have to remind myself is that the people that really care about me would like to see me happy, so do what makes me happy. 

So what is your purpose?  Have you been heading along the path you feel will lead closer and closer to living your purpose?  These are not easy questions, but when answered the feeling of not wanting to get out of bed disappears, and life becomes a little clearer.

Own yourself! Run your life!

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