Friday, January 21, 2011

Every Good Thing Starts Somewhere

 I know you have seen all the stories about someone who has come up from out of nowhere to be an overnight superstar.  Do you really think that it happened overnight?  To the public, those who have not ever known the person until they came into the light, it looks like it was overnight.  But if you really take a look at what it took to get them there, anyone can see that it took much longer than what most people would allow to reach their dreams, not to mention a much harder road to travel then some may think. 

I look at the road I have traveled and notice that the bumps and potholes in my own road have been some of the best things for me.  Looking back at when I was a college coach, had the hard times not come and really given me a solid lesson in life I would probably still be coaching.  Not that I did not love the sport, lord knows I do.  But what I do now completes every possible feeling I have in my body and I am able to spend time with my children day in and day out without having to hit the recruiting trail, or a road trip for an away game. 

So why do we hate it so much when something comes into our life that makes us feel uncomfortable or overwhelmed?  Why do we allow ourselves to get frustrated or angry?  Why have the feeling of regret or disappointment?  All these emotions are classified as negative actions, but really they should just be looked at as signs to take action. 

What does that mean to take action?  Well think about it.  If I felt hot and was wearing a sweater, I would simply take the sweater off to help me cool down.  That is taking action.  When you feel Overwhelmed that means you need to really prioritize what it is that you need to get done.  Look at the list you make and take action at the highest thing on your priority list.  If you are frustrated, instead of letting that eat you up, stop and think about what you can do differently.  Change your approach to get to the goal you want, be flexible.  Can’t stand the way you feel?  Then don’t you think it is time to change your perception or procedures?

Change how something is done in order to get a new outcome, or simply stop being the victim in everything.  I know when I stopped saying things like, “well it is because of so and so” I began to really see a change in the way my life started turning out.  I no longer made excuses and really allowed for myself to have the responsibility of owning up to what I wanted to achieve. 

None of this stuff is easy to do.  It will not happen overnight, and as a matter of fact I still have to constantly stay on myself to make sure I do not drift back to old habits of feeling these emotions.  The more you can catch when an emotion is in you that you do not like the better.  Sense it, and make a conscious effort to get out of that state of mind.  Take action.  If you can catch when you have an emotion you do not want, you can replace that emotion. 

The next time you come to a pothole in your road stop and think, "there is a reason for this, I may not know it now and it may not come to me until later in life, but I know that this bump has happened for a reason".  Then after that figure out how to continue on in the direction you were heading, because after all, you are not going to let a little bump in the road stop what it is you want to do right?

Own yourself! Run your life!

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