Friday, January 28, 2011

Shakeology 4 Months In

So I have talked before about Shakeology and doing a three-day cleanse, but I really cannot stop talking about this product because I believe in it so much.  I have been taking Shakeology now for 4 months and am amazed with what it continues to do for me.  It took me a while to actually get on this product.  I mean I would see all the videos over it after doing one of our beachbody workouts, but I never really took much thought into doing it.

When the videos talked about all the healthy ingredients and all the x factors of what it does for the body I just figured the way I was eating was good enough and I was pretty happy with how I looked so I didn’t see the point.  It wasn’t until I went to a Tony Horton (maker of P90X) Event that I actually took a sample of Shakeology. 

I tried the Green and was somewhat impressed, but then came across the chocolate and just fell in love with how it tasted.  I also noticed that it kept me full during the event so I was pretty anxious to see what a full month would do.  

I believe that all of my extra energy I have had comes from the Shake.  Not only am I 12 pounds lighter, I notice that after taking my shake it gives me a little extra boost.  I am not saying that I am wired and ready to go for days or anything like that, but I get a little pick me up and it really helps.  I have started drinking my shake at the time when I normally am getting down and really bonking due to the nature of the day, which is normally 3:00 PM. 

I know that my body is getting everything that it needs and it helps me feel more comfortable about my nutrition.  I count calories but have found myself not coming close to going over my target since the shakes are so low in calories.  As a meal replacement, this has really helped me stay where I need to be.  

The doctors are saying that Shakeology is a revolutionary meal replacement.  I know that it has definitely changed my life, my wife’s life, and now we give it to our kids who love the way it tastes.  I don’t mind sharing though, I mean it is not everyday that you have a two, five, seven, and nine year old begging to consume something so healthy.

So although I am only 4 months into it and cannot speak for everyone, I will say that I have loved my time doing Shakeology and recommend it to anyone serious about simplifying their nutrition and taking their health to the next level.

Own yourself! Run your life! 

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