Friday, December 31, 2010

What Will You be Doing?

A year is a long time.  Most people have a tendency to look back at their year and wonder where all the time went?  Just going day to day with their activities and wondering how it was already December again and why none of their Resolutions were even thought about after the first week of the year, let alone actually accomplished. 

This last year was a little different for me.  It started off like all the others.  I watched the ball drop, made mental notes of what I wanted to change in the upcoming year (tone up, make extra income, live comfortably, live in a great neighborhood), all the things most of us as Americans dream of doing one day eventually.  January went by, and nothing had really shifted.  February, March, April, all of a sudden I was looking up wondering where all the time went.

By June I was fed up with how the year was just slipping away and my feelings of accomplishment was lacking.  While hammering away at work I began to think of what it took to be a successful person.  Planning was something that came to my mind.  That night I sat down and actually wrote down what it was that I wanted to accomplish.  I set my Goals for the remainder of the year. 

I focused on the goals that really gave me happiness when I envisioned actually accomplishing them.  I mean I had so many, that for me to do them all, I would have to do things and never sleep in order to come close to doing everything.  My top 5 were as follows:

  1. Form a business in giving back to others and helping them achieve their goals and change their life.
  2. Be a better listener and try to make those around me happier focus on what they need to feel happy.
  3. Buy a house in an area that is safe for my family.
  4. Get back into the 160-pound range that I was in during my time playing in college.
  5. Become personal trainer certified and learn more about the body to better help clients.

I am happy to say that in the months of June through December I have seen all these goals take place.  I am not saying it to brag.  I am merely stating that it all started with a simple task.  I wrote everything down and set dates to when I wanted to get them done.  Do I have Resolutions not checked off from this year’s list?  You bet!  More than I have actually checked off. 

The reason why I am so dang proud and happy, however, is because these top 5 were so huge to me and meant so much.  Take time right now and write down your goals for the New Year.  What would make you happiest to accomplish this upcoming year?  Make a change in 2011.  Accomplish what it is you really want to do in your life. 

Own yourself! Run Your Life!

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