Friday, January 7, 2011

Reflection is a Must

One of the P’s in Ten-P Training is Prayer.  I have always believed that it is a key component to life.  I never really understood the full concept however up until recently.  When we pray we give thanks.  We share our appreciation to whomever it is that we believe in.  For me it is God, but for others the same feeling of appreciation is expressed. 

When I ask for things to come into my life and change, is that not the same as setting a goal and wanting to achieve it?  I have taken 15 minutes a day to reflect on what I am grateful for, and I have envisioned where my future will be and asked God for guidance.  After these 15 minutes I feel re-focused and ready to take on the day!

There is no way for me to be down on my life because I have just seen where I am going, and I just appreciated everything right that I had going on in my life. If you are feeling down and really hating life, or just dragging the day and really not wanting to do a whole lot that day, put everything on pause and start thinking about all the good you have around you.  Start small within yourself and branch out.  I say something like… “I am thankful for my life; the ability to walk each day; to have my health; the roof over my head; a beautiful wife who loves me for who I am.” 

I could keep going, but normally all it takes is for me to express about 5-10 things that I am thankful for and my whole state of mind changes.  I mean what is the point of dwelling on the negative?  What we focus on we become.  I am not saying that my life is perfect, because I have my fair share of bumps in the road.  What I am saying is I choose not to dwell on that because life hands us all the good with the bad. 

Have you ever played a sport?  I played basketball and throughout my years I was able to be apart of winning and losing teams.  I look back at the major difference between what the difference of the winning and losing teams. 

The winning team’s focused on how to improve just like the losing, however when I was on the winning team’s I never thought about the bad that could happen during the game.  I only focused on the good.  During the close game we would always find a way to pull it off, why?  I believe because our conscious didn’t think of any other thing but the possible ways to win.  Never did we think of losing.  But when it came to the losing teams, all I remember thinking about was how not to lose. 

15 minutes a day of solid prayer will get you focused on the positive things in life.  Soon you will find yourself thinking more positive, and before you know it you will be apart of a winning spirit, one that can’t lose.

Own your self! Run your life!

1 comment:

  1. WOW!! Well said, I'm truly amazed at the power of prayer,I love how you humble yourself,think positive,be thankful to start your day,your workout and just life in general. Makes me feel motivated to know that with a "winning spirit" anything is possible,that its mental training as well as physical to achieve any goal! It's good to hear it from someone unexpected!!
