Thursday, February 3, 2011

Stepping Outside The Comfort Zone

In all of my years as a youth I was taught to stick to something until you were good at it.  I realize that mentality also put me in a situation where I was constantly doing the same thing.  By me doing the same thing I developed habits and formed boundaries with trying new stuff out.  It was not until recently that I grasped the understanding that in order to be more I had to step outside my comfort zone.

To step outside of the comfort zone means to strive for more.  I mean think about it, you cannot get more by producing the same results right?   So how can you expect to reach a certain goal if you are not doing the uncomfortable thing to get to that goal?  Lets face it, we are a species that loves our certainty. 

I made it a resolution to make sure that I try other workouts.  I did not want to continue the road I was down with always knowing my results or what was in store for my workouts.  I had been doing P90X and Insanity.  Those were the only workouts that I had done for a long time! And so I have now started a new program and absolutely love it!

Turbo Fire is really impressing me.  I am only 4 days into it but can feel a difference in my body.  I am no longer stuck with the same old routine of doing my workouts.  This has brought a totally different twist to how I am doing things.  I recommend it to anyone really wanting to have an uplifting, motivational type workout with good music and lots of sweat.  How many times have you passed up an opportunity to try something new and then backed out by making a lousy excuse?

I started thinking how much fun would life be if I just stuck with what I knew and never tried to do something different?  Can you answer that?  If all we did was live our day knowing the outcome because we never wanted to change up our routine, or never wanted to try something new, would that really be living?  No it would not be, because as humans we also need uncertainty in our life to make things enjoyable and not boring. 

So we now know that we need certainty yet we also need uncertainty. I have a challenge that you can do.  This challenge will allow you to step out of your comfort zone and still be able to be in it enough so you are not uncomfortable all the time.  Once a week make it a conscious decision to do something completely out of your norm.  If you never dance for workout do that.  If you are a treadmill person, then find yourself on the bike.  If all your knees can handle is the elliptical, then take it to the swimming pool or the bike.  The goal is to do something you never would think to do. 

All major changes in life start with a decision.  And this decision is normally compiled of mini decisions.  By making a decision to do it once a week I know that it can be attained.  And as the days get more throughout the year, you can go from once a week to twice and so on.  The key is taking that first step.  That is the hardest.

Own yourself! Run your life!

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