Sunday, February 6, 2011

How Do Our Rules Affect Us?

What is happiness?  Our rules make up our life and it is these very rules that either allows us to feel good about the moment or have another feeling, a feeling of disgust, or overwhelming, or even just being bored.  It is our rules that are making our life.  What are rules?

Everyone has them.  They are what make our lives work.  For example it is what helps us decide whether or not we are going to have fun or feel pain.  If you see something you may want to do, like jumping out of a plane, you reach for your rules to see if this is something that will work for you.  For some of us the thought of jumping out of a plane is way to painful to think of, bringing too much fear and uncertainty.  For others it brings this sense of pleasure, having so much excitement.  The ultimate decision is left up to our rules. 

Growing up I always heard statements like, “ just take a leap of faith” or “think before you do”.  All of these simple sayings that I grew up with have helped form my rules.  I am completely into fitness.  So a rule that I have made a must do everyday no matter what is workout.  Another one is making sure that I take in the proper nutrition to fuel my body for what I put it through.  I have that high on my priority list and because of that it is a must for me to do. 

For those who tend to struggle with their health or their nutrition, the first question I will ask is this; is your fitness something you SHOULD be doing, or something you MUST do?  The difference between those is huge.  On the days where you may not want to workout, or it just seems like it is going to be a busy day, your SHOULD rule is not going to bring anything into action.  If you MUST do it then you u will find a way to get it done.  It may not always be easy or even the fun thing to do, but it is a priority and because your rule is a MUST then you will make sure it happens. 

So what can you do to change your rules?  Here is something that has helped me.  I ask myself what it is that I really want.  I mean really want!  I place it high on my priority list.  Anything that is top five on my priority list I know is a must.  If I ever have the thought of not doing it for the day I have my list right there with me knowing that I really want to accomplish this certain goal.  If I don’t get this activity done then my want will not be met.  The thought of me looking back when I am older and regretting not accomplishing something I wanted so badly brings me enough pain to get the job done.  Eventually this becomes easier and over time it is imbedded in my head as a rule. 

So although we have rules now that run our life, we can change them.  It takes a few things.  The understanding of what you really want is one of them.  Another is making a priority list; followed by making sure you do something towards your top 5 priorities every day.  The biggest thing is to do it everyday.  It is not going to be easy at first.  But every time you feel like you are not going to get it done, look at your list and ask yourself are you where you want to be? If the answer is no then ask this, is the task you are about to ditch out on the answer to getting you where you want to be?  Start today!  What is stopping you?  This is the time for you to take charge!

Own yourself! Run your life!

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