Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Power of The Mind

 I have been focusing the psychological aspect of better living for quite some time.  I know that my goal is to encourage good health and I am into physical training, however to only workout the body will not do much for you in terms of getting the desired outcome with your life.  The brain is the engine that drives the body and if your brain can only go at the capacity of 4 RPM due to the lack of training you provided it, then how can you expect it to get you anywhere at all?

What you want is for your brain to be the engine that most sports cars have.  Something that is able to get you to a destination quickly.  By destination I mean the ability to assess a situation and come up with a plan to make sure that you are happy with its results.  So many times we come across something and are completely leveled with what life threw at us.  I know I have been here before.  When I was just ten my mother passed away and it really knocked me down.  It took me years to actually be able to let go of that pain and actually give my heart out.

Now why the heck am I spilling my life to you?  I mean what does that have to do with mental training?  Well the tests that are constantly being thrown at us by life, things like death, breakups, getting laid off, fights, arguments (the list goes on and on), these things are what help build your brain.  These are the very tests that, if taken on and assessed properly, will place you towards the destination you want. 

So why do you want to have a solid engine running your body?  If you workout daily and have a super fit body, but everything that happens to you in the course of the day really brings you pain or the feeling of un-fulfillment, then what is that generally called?  Depression.  If you are physically fit and can handle the tests life throws at you, and you are able to come out of each day feeling fulfilled, what is that generally called?  Happiness. 

How we get to our destination is determined by how fast our engine will get us there.  It is up to our brain to get us there.

Own yourself! Run your life!

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