Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Perseverance Brings Success

Perseverance is something that is ofter talked about but never practiced.  Lets face it, so many times we find ourselves in a position where it is not very comfortable and want a simple way out.  Our first reaction is to normally turn and run away from whatever the difficult situation may be.   The word persevere means to maintain a purpose in spite of difficulty, obstacles, or discouragement; continue steadfastly.  Simply put, it is the ability to push through hard times. 

Success in life neither happens quickly, nor easily.  Those who succeed have had plenty of times in their life in which they were presented a situation that tested their ability to push through and overcome.  Without perseverance a person is liable to quit at the first sight of trouble.

Lance Armstrong has had a very successful career, and is known as one of the best Bicyclists to ever set foot on earth.  As a young teen he was very exceptional and became pro at a very young age.  He was on top of the world and had everything that a person in their twenties would kill to have.  Porshe car, new home, success in his career choice, he had the world at his hands. 

Shortly after Lance’s 25th birthday he began coughing up blood.  In October of 1996 he was diagnosed with Testicular cancer, which had spread to his lungs, abdomen, lymph nodes, and even brain.  The treatment to help with all of this spreading takes a huge toll on an individual’s body.  The ability to just function as a normal human being after is not a typical outcome for such an intense spreading of cancer.  

 Fighting all the odds, Armstrong won the Tour de France on the first attempt after surviving cancer.  Just 4 years after what most people call the end of the road, Lance Armstrong had accomplished something that most people could only dream of doing. He was able to persevere through it all and fight all the odds.  Regardless of what came into his path, he had the ability within to push through and continue to fight.  Armstrong went on to win 7 Tour de Frances in a row! 

Hard times are going to happen to us all, and are going to hit in so many variations.  Whatever it is that occurs, the concept is to understand that there can and will be a tomorrow.  And with that tomorrow brings opportunity. 

Own yourself!  Run your life!


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