Thursday, March 3, 2011

Priority Is What Leads You To Happiness

 I woke up today feeling so overwhelmed.  Actually looking at it, this whole week has just been a tough week.  I am normally the person who is not shaken when it comes to change, and I can easily adapt to the situation in a way that allows for a graceful appearance.  This week was a little different.

We just moved into our new home.  I mean the thought of actually being in a place that you can call your own is pretty exciting, not to mention all the little behind the scene processes that occur as well.  I would say that having to move mixed with changing addresses and not to mention making sure everything was working, oh and of course setting everything up, that had me tied up for most of the day.  Now why do I mention all of this and what is the purpose for this today?

Throughout it all I managed to workout.  Yep, I was determined to make sure that I keep it up.  I may have been away from computer life for a while, and not able to make specific meetings like I wanted to, but I made it possible to workout everyday.  This is because I have working out as number 3 on my priority list. 

If you really want to do something it normally gets done.  I have made working out so important that if I don’t I typically feel like I did not do a whole lot for the day.  I know that is not the case for everyone, however stop for a second and think about the things you view as super important.  Do you skip many days without doing the activity that you feel is really important? 

The items you view as very important go high on your priority list.  This list is endless really because your mind is always thinking of something that it wants to do.  The only problem is that we have a tendency to only be able to focus on a few things each day and time has a way of not allowing for everything to get done. I bet you the first five items on your priority list do get done at least.

My list goes as follows:  God, my family, my workout, my personal development, and lastly my business.  Each day I am fairly successful with making sure that I touch on all these items.  Now I know that family and business are so vague and have categories that branch out like crazy on their own, however as long as I do something to keep me on track with reaching my outcome within those departments, I feel like it is a great day.  If I were able to throw the ball with my nephew, study with my nieces, read to my daughter, and snuggle with my wife, I would say family has been taken care of for the day.  If I am able to talk to someone and help with that person’s health for the day, then my business has also been touched also.  My workout is third on my list so it is going to get done. 

Here is the question for you.  If you put down on paper what it is you feel is the most important to you, and then you look at what you do in that day, are you going to find that the lists add up, or are they going to be different?  If you are experiencing pain in your life right now, chances are that your lists are not compatible.  What are the most important things to you?  Make sure you remember those items in your everyday motion of life.

Own yourself! Run your life!

1 comment:

  1. Nice man. Extremely informative post. I'll be sure to pass this along to my friends.
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